The Mission Project would like to thank the Westerman Foundation and the McGowan Foundation for making this project possible.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Selection of apps for the initial training sessions

In preparation for the trainings sessions for the Mission Project participants, I have identified 20 "starter apps" that we are going to learn and use this month.  They are all FREE.  There are specific reasons why I chose each one of these and the variety was purposeful as well. Some of the apps will help the participants learn the swipe motions (i.e. Magic Fingers Lite, Bowling), some will foster creativity (i.e. Pic Collage, Doodle Buddy), some are purely for entertainment (i.e. Songza, Smule), some will connect them to the world around them (i.e. Weather Channel, Google Earth), some are references for local information (i.e. KC Star, Cinemark, HyVee), some are designed to increase independence in daily routines (i.e. visual grocery shopping list), and some are useful apps that will take some time to learn but I want to get the participants started on them (i.e. Dragon dictation, YouTube, Edmodo).  [Note: the pic that displays the app icons was created by saving images from a Google image search on the ipad and then importing them into Pic Collage]

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